Managing your campaigns

The Cenareo solution allows you to control communication on your screens through campaigns. All your campaigns can be found in the “Campaigns” tab of your Cenareo space. You can manage them through the Table View or Calendar View.

Table View

The Table View lists all the campaigns that you have access to. You have access to all campaigns of which you are the author OR which are broadcast on one of the screens you control. Here are the key elements to manage your campaigns. 

2- Sort by ascending or descending alphabetical order (click multiple times to change). 
3- Grouped actions to act on several campaigns at the same time. 
4- Filter to display only a selection of the campaigns. Note that you can combine the filters. 
5- The table’s settings, to control the columns displayed or the number of elements displayed 
6- Campaign settings 
7- Search by column, to search only on the specified column.

Calendar View

The Calendar View allows you to view campaigns on a screen on a specific date, which is useful for detecting unscheduled times, for example.

First, select a date (by default, the information is displayed for today’s date). 

You can see the time slots, type, duration, and author of the campaigns on a specific screen (here 🌲 Sherwood Forest - Home for example) by clicking on them. You can also edit campaigns by clicking on the cog at the end of the line.