A thermometer appears on my screen

The screen is black and a red thermometer appears in a corner of your physical screen. This indicates that the player is overheating.

Remote intervention will be required to diagnose the cause and restore the display.

Caution. If the player is not connected to the Internet, connect it up, at least temporarily, so that the support team can intervene.

Contact the support team by filling out the form and indicating:

  • the name of the screen on the Cenareo platform or the link to the screen
  • the player serial number (available on the grey label on the player)
  • the presence of the thermometer on the screen

A lightning bolt is displayed on my screen

A lightning bolt indicates a player power malfunction

If a yellow lightning bolt is displayed in a corner of the screen (whether the screen is broadcasting or not), the player has a power malfunction. This may be due to a faulty power supply, a faulty patch cable or plug, or simply because the original power supply is not being used.

Most often, using a suitable power supply will correct the problem.

If the power supply and the cables used are not at fault, you can contact support to identify a solution.